Written by Administrator |
Monday, 30 July 2012 06:24 |
Preliminary substantive skirmishes within the new Durban Platform track served both as a replay of contentious issues last year in Durban and as a preview of the difficult negotiations ahead.
The Durban Platform calls for a post-2020 agreement “under the Convention” taking the form of “a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force” and “applicable to all Parties.” It does not directly invoke the core UNFCCC principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities” – the United States would agree to that only if the Durban Platform also noted that countries’ In Doha, China, India and other developing countries sought again to explicitly introduce the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” into the Durban Platform framing. Although the United States said it welcomed a discussion of the principle’s application in a new agreement, it strenuously objected to its unqualified inclusion in the Doha text. Even the assertion in the final text that the ADP should be “guided by the principles of the Convention” drew a formal reservation from the United States arguing that it should not be Otherwise, the decision concluding the first year of the Durban Platform talks was strictly procedural. It calls for the ADP to “move to a more focused mode of work” in 2013 and lays out topics to be considered in the group’s two workstreams: one focused on the post- |