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Global Environment. Facility Financing Adaptation Action
A new permanent multi-parameter monitoring network in Central Asian high mountains – from measurements to data bases
Supporting transitions to resilient irrigation systems: Findings from southern Kyrgyzstan
Climate change and international water conflict in Central Asia
Will climate change exacerbate water stress in Central Asia?
Programme Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives. UNDP Toolkit for Practitioners
Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia
Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia. Background Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation
Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and Central Asia
Kyrgyz Republic: Southern Agricultural Area Development Project. Project Document
UNDP Central Asia Multi-Country Programme on Climate Risk Management. Tajikistan
Increase Resilience of Local Populations in Mountain Areas of Kyrgyzstan to Climate Change Impacts
Climate Vulnerability, Risk and Adaptation Assessments. Helping Countries Prepare an Effective Power SectorResponse: Focus on Kyrgyzstan. Final Report
PROJECT: Enabling Integrated Climate Risk Assessment for CCD planning in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan Climate Risk Profile
Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups in the Kyrgyz Republic
Adaptation needs and priorities Kyrgyzstan
The national adaptation plan process. A brief overview
Final report RDTA-8119 REG: Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia
Research Priorities on Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation
The PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change
The Smart National Adaptation Planning Tool
Assessing the costs of adaptation to climate change in developing countries (AdaptCosts)
Technical guidelines for the national adaptation plan process
Community-Based Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning
Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia Agriculture
EU action against climate change. Adapting to climate change
Adaptation to Climate Change. An EU approach
Sector Briefing on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. Agriculture
Adaptation and vulnerability to Climate Change: the role of the Finance Sector
Accssesing International funding for Climate Change Adaptation