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National Biodiversity and Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic
Impacts of climate warming on glaciers and water resources in Tajikistan and Central Asia
The number of emergencies caused by mudflows, floods, avalanches and landslides in Kyrgyzstan
1. Climate change basic overview
2. Climate change basic science
3. Climate change in Kyrgyzstan
4. Solutions and Actions to Climate Change
5 The essence of rubbish
6. Water pollution
7. Air pollution
8. Endangered Species of Animals
The UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme: A global initiative to support mitigation action – LEDS, NAMAs & MRV
Technology for policymakers
The GIZ approach to promote climate-friendly technology cooperation
Possibilities for consumption-based policies in a 2015 climate treaty
MRV Handbook Project and Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
Bridging the Gap between land transport and international climate change – getting on the right pathway!
Increasing mitigation & financing ambitions through action on international transport
Promoting Social Inclusion – Family Agriculture
National greenhouse gas emissions baseline scenarios: learning from experiences in developing countries
Effectiveness, efficiency, and feasibility of consumption-based approaches in climate policy
Challenges and Opportunities for NAMAs Formulation: Lessons learnt from Southeast Asia
Executive Board of the CDM: Progress update
Guidance on the Elaboration and Implementation of Border Carbon Adjustment
Informational foundations of adaptation policy
Earmarking the EU ETS -Revenues for climate action
Evaluating Adaption
How 2 C still can be reached starting from 2020 pledges
Latest submissions: national communications from non-annex i parties
Copenhagen accord pledges imply higher costs for staying below 2 C warm
Presentation about climate made by GreenPeace
Protecting the Ozone Layer Australian experience
Presentations for schoolchildren on climate Change
Solutions and actions for Climate Change
Basic introduction on Climate Change
Basic science of Climate Change
Water pollution
Air pollution
Climate Change in Kyrgyzstan
The essence of rubbish
Endangered Species
The story of one flower