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About us

The Climate and Green Technologies Institute was established on the basis of the Climate and Ozone Coordination Center at the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry of Kyrgyz Republic in partnership with research institutes and NGOs.

 The overall objectives of the Institute are to promote the environmentally sustainable social and economic development of the country in conditions of climate change, environment protection and safety through dissemination and transfer of modern technologies into various sectors of national economy, as well as development and execution of adaptation and mitigation projects.

 To achieve the above, the Institute is undertaking the following activities:

    • Facilitate implementation of the national commitments according to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
    • Promote demonstration, introduction and transfer of innovative low carbon technologies, transformation of the markets for the purpose of energy efficiency in industrial and building sectors
    • Attract investments in renewable energy
    • Advance energy efficient and low carbon technologies in transport and city traffic systems
    • Facilitate conservation and increase carbon stocks through sustainable land use, changes in practices of land use and forestry
    • Conduct research and set up the national database with data on ozone layer, greenhouse gases, ultraviolet radiation, water ecosystem and glaciers, quality control of subterranean and surface water resources
    • Set up the registry of emissions and transfer of polluting substances
    • Forecast and assess scenarios of change in surface water flows for Kyrgyzstan in a view of the expected global climate change
    • Establish the monitoring network to study influence of climate change on biodiversity for collection, analysis and exchange of data and information on consequences of climate change
    • Conduct the range of measures aimed at maintaining biodiversity of forests, including their protection, restoration and adaptation to climate change
    • Develop capacity of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) for the purpose of stable functioning of the SPNA network, capable of coping with and adapting to clime change
    • Decrease dependency of local populations from natural resources and threats to biodiversity through execution of adaptation mechanisms of social and economical development and more effective local governance, and preservation of agrarian and eco systems
    • Reduce the pressure from competing land use methods to natural resources, develop adaptation tools on sustainable land use, restoration of the set of field and erosive protective plants in agricultural areas;
    • Reduce the pressure to forest resources and ensure sustainability of forest ecosystem, forest restoration and reforestation in order to restore and protect areas of river water collection, improvement of water regime of areas
    • Develop and integrate the environmentally friendly methods of control of infestants in forests
    • Facilitate resolution of global, regional, national and local environment issues, creation of favorable investment climate for implementation of the environment projects
    • Participate in associations, funds, organizational and thematic networks, financing of various projects and initiatives in line with the objectives and aims of the Institute
    • Raise funds from various national, international sources for functioning in line with the objectives and aims of the Institute
    • Participate in development of the draft laws, regulations and by laws on environment protection and climate change issues in line with the international and national legislation
    • Organize and carry out scientific, technical and research works on global, regional, national environment and climate change issues
    • Organize and conduct conferences, workshops, exhibitions, presentations, surveys, participate in international information exchange events
    • Organize professional development, experience and knowledge sharing, study tours, internships on thematic areas determined by the Institute
    • Create and disseminate information and education materials
    • Provide consultancy, expert services also in the scientific and production area
    • Organize and carry out research, prepare recommendations on integration and production of advanced energy saving technologies, also the national ones
    • Provide financial and other support to legal entities and individuals working on the projects, initiative and programs in line with the objectives and aims of the Institute
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